Who Is BestPickist?
BestPickist is a collection of buying guides and user guides about various different products. We provide informational content and reviews for individuals looking for the right product to meet their needs.
It does not matter what you are searching for, we have all the information you need. We want to save individuals time and money by presenting reviews about specifically chosen products in many categories.
We do the research and present all the information to you.
What BestPickist Does Here
We make recommendations to individuals about products based on extensive research. We like to start with picking the features of each product that are most noteworthy.
After that, we determine which products are the best selling and compare their features.
Feedback from buyers, such as reviews, warnings and advice is something to which we pay a great amount of attention.
Lastly, we have a team of researchers that test the products to verify that they deliver as promised by the manufacturer.
This team spends well over 40 hours doing complete research to provide a rating, product descriptions, buyer’s guides, and frequently asked questions.
How Do We Choose The Best Product?
We begin by digging into some of the top sources we can find for information. We thoroughly research leading sources, such as CNET, Consumer Reports, Amazon, along with many others.
We pour over hundreds, sometimes thousands, of reviews of actual buyers. This gives us the ability to consider long term accounts of products. After that, we create a shortlist of the best products and complete a detailed study on each one. As a result of the potential for false and unnatural feedback, we created a system that allows us to remove potential false reviews. We are committed to providing you with accurate information presented by real buyers.
We believe that those who have chosen a product, bought it, and use it regularly are the ones that can provide realistic and effective information. We can determine about 50 percent and these inaccurate reviews and as a result, are able to provide the best information to you.

We recognize that many times products have many features that the average consumer does not need. Manufacturers like to promote these features as part of their marketing. However, this does not mean it is valuable for everyday use. We also know that the most expensive product ripe with features is not always the best one. As a result, our buying guides recommend products that we are proud to suggest to our family and friends.
They are products we would, and have, pick for ourselves. Rarely does one product work for everyone, so we like to provide products that fit into a real life situation to help customers make the best choice. Our reviews provide customers with all the information they need to pick a product.
Why Should You Trust Us?

We are committed to the highest standards and ethical decision making. We recommend products solely on our team’s research, reviews, personal opinions.
We are members of the Amazon Associates Program. That means we earn money for developing and reviewing products. We do not receive income based on the products you purchase. As a result, we can recommend any product that is on the market for purchase. We do not allow anything to impact the decisions we make.
Best Pickist is affiliated with the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This allows us to share useful and worthwhile (and sometimes just fun) products that will help our readers reach their culinary aspirations. By ordering products through these affiliate links, you help keep our site running so we can continue to provide you with sharable, actionable content.

Kristy Rice
Kristy Rice is a digital content specialist with a background in news reporting. She has worked as a line cook, restaurant manager, caterer and recipe developer, though her work hours and large family make her a huge fan of her Crockpot.

Anita Chastain
Kristy Rice is a digital content specialist with a background in news reporting. She has worked as a line cook, restaurant manager, caterer and recipe developer, though her work hours and large family make her a huge fan of her Crockpot.

How To Contact Us
We do our best work by listening to what others have to say. As a result, we love feedback. We want to know what you think. If you need help or would like a review for a particular buying concern, please contact us and we will do our best to help you. Feel free send us your message using the contact form here.